Great post! Consuming too much news content can definitely be overwhelming not to mention how routine it can become when the same kinds of stories gain traction over and over such as people complaining about air travel or a bear breaking into a car video. Your point about if the news is so important it will probably reach me is well put but I also think sometimes there are things on the news that get overlooked that are important. I guess it’s about finding the right balance between being informed and also not interrupting your life or simply trying to endlessly take in information that offers little to no benefit. To each their own though.

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Hey Matthew, thanks so much for your thoughtful comment! I really like your point about balance—it’s tricky! On one hand, you don’t want to be caught off-guard about major events. But on the other hand, you also don't want to be desensitized to major things due to the constant drip-feed. But yes, there are times when that rare important thing slips through the cracks, which is why I'm all about a curated, intentional approach.

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